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Exam 210-250
Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals
Verson: Demo
Which hash algorithm is the weakest?
A. SHA-512
B. RSA 4096
C. SHA-1
D. SHA-256
Answer: D
Which identifier is used to describe the application or process that submitted a log
A. action
B. selector
C. priority
D. facility
Answer: D
Which tool is commonly used by threat actors on a webpage to take advantage of the
softwarevulnerabilitiesof a system to spread malware?
A. exploit kit
B. root kit
C. vulnerability kit
D. script kiddie kit
Answer: A
You must create a vulnerability management framework. Which main purpose of this
framework is true?
A. Conduct vulnerability scans on the network.
B. Manage a list of reported vulnerabilities.
C. Identify remove and mitigate system vulnerabilities.
D. Detect and remove vulnerabilities in source code.
Answer: B